Monday, October 3, 2011

It Has Been a While

Eleven months ago I was blogging and then I stopped. My life changed dramatically and quickly and I did not feel like blogging, had no energy to blog, and had no time to blog. Life has continued to change but now I feel like blogging again, have some energy and I am trying to find the time!
A few blogs I am following are doing a 31 day challenge to blog everyday in the month of October. I am a few days behind for all of the above reasons but I am going to still try to do it even if it means running a few days into November!
As I blog these next 31 days I hope to tell the story of how and why I stopped blogging and the blessings that occurred during that time. Hint...I have two babies now!

Photo by: Mandy Stansberry Photograpy

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