Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Babies First OU Game

September 4, 2010 was the twins "first" OU football game. There will be many more to come over the next...well if their father has anything to do with it, rest of their lives.

It was a great day for football! I was nervous that we might loose, but it was a victory in the end. I am not sure how the babies did with the jumping up and down and the yelling Oooooooooooooooo U! and Boomer Sooner but they will just have to get use to it. Their mama loves football! Matt says they chant Boomer Sooner to each other every game anyway! Guess now is as good as a time as any to learn the fun traditions of being in the crowd!

As much fun as the games are, I have found that the long standing and hard metal benches are not good for this pregnant woman's back. My sweet husband now gets me a cushioned seat with a back. He does love me!

We took our friend Ed to his first OU game and he even got his first OU shirt (after living in Oklahoma for over 10 years. Shame on him.)
(Before Ed had his first OU shirt)
Here are a few pictures Matt took with his droid and using a retro app.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby Bump

I am now 18 weeks but I look and feel double that! Here is an overview of the changes the bump has gone through.

This is at week 4. I was already showing. Should have been my first clue it was twins!

This is week 14.

This is week 16.

And I promise I do wear other shirts other than my OU shirt. It just seems I remember to take pictures on Saturdays before the OU games!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Unexpected Ultrasound

When I had my appointment in August, the doctor checked for the heartbeats. She found one right away but had trouble keeping the device on and finding the other heartbeat. Matt was not there for the majority of this (he was late because he got confused on when the appointment was and when he needed to leave work). I started to panic. Just a month ago I found out that these precious babies are both in there and now I can't imagine life without both of them. I go from complete shock of even the concept of twins to now being so worried that one might not have made it. It is amazing to me how much I already love these two children that I have not met yet and how protective I have become over them. I was about to start crying when Matt arrived. He only had to endure the search for the other one for a few minutes. For me it felt like an eternity.

The doctor decided to go get her portable ultrasound machine to try to find the other baby. She did not seem worried but to me that meant that something could be wrong. Matt did his best to calm me down, but until I could hear that heartbeat nothing was going to take away my fear that one could be gone. Even now, the thought of it makes me cry.

The baby is there! The baby had a strong heartbeat. The baby was not moving as much as the other one, but still the doctor talked positivity about both and where they are positioned and how things look in their little world that my body is creating for them. God is amazing.

Even though I would have preferred to have not gone through that experience, I am grateful for technology the unexpected blessing of being able to see my babies again. They had sweet little faces and noses and I could see fingers and hands. It is so amazing that we have the technology today to see what God is creating inside of a woman's body. It is even more amazing how perfectly God has created the developmental process.

Here is what they babies looked liked at 14 weeks.

I can't wait to see how much my babies have grown at the next ultrasound!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have had several requests to get more info and pics on here of my pregnancy and of course the crazy things that my husband has been doing. I promise I will try to get at least one post up this weekend even with my family in town and then will try to do a better job of keeping those that are not around here up to date on the happening of our life!

Just a quick update....
  • We are still having twins (there is not a third!)
  • We DO NOT plan to find out the genders (so few surprises in life as it is)
  • We have come up with at least two names that we agree on (for now) two more to go
  • We might start a naming contest if Matt keeps up with the suggestions he has been throwing out
  • I am settled on the nursery theme
  • I am currently 17 weeks (but look like 34)
  • We have another ultrasound on Tuesday where we hope to see our sweet babies but not to find out the gender
So there you have it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Learning to Blog

I am new and this blogging thing and still have lots to learn. In a previous post I wanted to link my friend Ashley's blog but I didn't know how. But she showed me! I love learning new things! Thanks Ashley!

(Ashely and I at the auction for the adoption agency we work for! Not only did I copy her idea for a blog post, but I copied this pictures she posted of us on FB.)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For not eating meat for about 3 months...when i actually felt like i could try it this is what is brought to my table! Thank you Jake's Rib!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.3.1

My Life in Song Titles

After a long few weeks of work and play, I decided I needed to blog again. I will post more later about the babies and about pregnancy, but looking at my friend Ashely's blog (I don't know how to make the links to other blogs like everyone else does, so I will have to get someone to teach me) I decided to copy one of her posts and see what I could come up with. So here it goes.....

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, I answered these questions about my life. I couldn't repeat a song. It was hard!


Male or Female:
“An Easy One”

Describe yourself:

Describe where you currently live:
“Half Acre”

If you could go anywhere you wanted to:
“The Beautiful Sea”

Your favorite form of transportation:
“Funnel Cloud”

Your best friend(s) is(are):
“We’ll Meet Along the Way”

Favorite time of day:

If your life were a TV show, what would it be called:
“Too Late to Turn Back Now”

What life is to you:
“All that I’m Good For”

What is the best advice you have to give:
“Stupid Mouth Shut”

Thought for the Day:
“Carry Me Home”

Your soul’s present condition:
“Almost Home”